Find your place.

Together we make our parish truly Christian and Catholic, comforting in our sorrows, rejoicing in our successes, encouraging in our struggles, firm in defense of life values, and always welcoming to those who seek to love God and His creatures. The Church will be as strong as God makes it. Our parish will be as strong as we make it in response to His call.

Each of us has time, talents, and treasure we can share in the service of God and the work of the Church. Some may sing in the choir or organize all-parish events. Others may shovel snow or help to provide refreshments for funerals. Some may lead parish groups, while others guide our youth activities. All are needed; all are important; all are forms of prayer, the daily living out of the Eucharist we celebrate together. This is God’s church, but it is our parish, and every positive effort is a worthwhile contribution toward building up one Body of Christ in our community. Interested in sharing your time and talents with the parish? Click on the opportunities below to see how you can benefit our parish community. For more information about or to get in touch with these groups, please contact the Parish Office 262-569-3020


Action-oriented task groups that assist with the organization of, provide continuity for, and help develop and grow their ministries.


Groups which serve under particular commissions comprised of parish leaders volunteering their time and talents to serve the greater parish community.


Current list of special prayers and devotions at St. Jerome Parish


Current list of annual social gatherings hosted at St. Jerome Parish


Members of pastoral and finance council are elected. They provide pastoral planning & financial resources through budgeting and financial planning


Commissions are action-oriented task groups that play a role in both the ministry as well as the parish.
Their role is to assist with the organization of, provide continuity for, and help develop and grow their ministries.
Please see all Commissions listed below and click on each to learn more about them and the ministries that fall under their care.


Interested in seeing where you could serve our parish or the greater community?
Join us at our leadership nights beginning with mindful prayer followed by meetings of our Parish Commissions listed above.

Third Thursdays | 6:30 p.m.

Leadership Nights are held the third Thursday at 6:30 pm of the following months: September, November, January, March, & May.

We gather together in the church for prayer before proceeding to our various commissions.

Meeting Room Assignments
Liturgy: Parish Library
Evangelization/Formation: Marian Hall
Human Concerns: Marian Hall
Stewardship/Marketing: Marian Hall

School: School Library


Groups which serve under particular Parish Commissions comprised of parish members who lead and give of their time and talents to serve and be involved in the greater parish community, facilitate fellowship & the deepening of faith of others.


The Faith Formation Commission supports and assists in coordinating the adult, youth, child and special education ministries of Catholic faith formation in the areas of catechesis, education, sacramental preparation and human enrichment.

Yvonne Jahnke

American Heritage Girls is a non-profit organization dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country. St. Jerome Parish is blessed to have its own American Heritage Girls troop which is open to all girls ages 5-18. The organization offers badge programs, service projects, girl leadership opportunities, and outdoor experiences. The group embraces Catholic values and encourages family involvement.

To learn more about AHG Troop WI-0214, click below:
AHG Troop 0214
For questions or more information –
OR American Heritage Girls website.

Join us throughout the year for our Bible studies to grow deeper in our Catholic faith and identity. Location, dates and times announced in parish bulletin.

Parish Office 262-569-3020

CGS Level 1, CGS Level 2, CGS Level 3, Preschool 3-Grade 5, or Special Education
Jen Meyer, Director of Children’s Formation
jmeyer@stjerome, (262) 569-3020 x1412.

Junior High, High School, or Confirmation
Parish Office, (262) 569-3020.

This guided study program includes the study of Sacred Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church , and the Diary of St. Faustina. Participants gather to learn more about God, the Holy Catholic Church and their place in the Body of Christ. The Divine Mercy Cenacle groups usually meet twice each month.

Linda Keller

The St. Jerome Men’s Ministry gathers Friday mornings in Marian Hall for a hot breakfast, bottomless coffee, and good fellowship. Friday Mornings: 5:45 a.m.-Breakfast; 6:05 a.m.-Presentation; 7:00 a.m.-Conclusion. Men of all ages are invited to attend any or all of the sessions. Advance registration preferred to plan for food, but not required.

Join the Men's Group Fridays starting Sept 13th. This year will feature a new TMIY program "Worthy of the Call" with 11 dynamic speakers asking us to be worthy of our calling. To embrace heroic love and sacrifice for our spouse, children Church and society.
Bob Nussbaum

Men's Group Flocknote

Trail Life USA is a Christ-centered organization for boys in grades K-12 dedicated to the mission of guiding generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventures. TLUSA is the premier national character development organization for young men which produces godly and responsible husbands, fathers, and citizens. It provides a scout-type experience where boys can earn badges and awards that complement our Catholic and family values. Trail Life USA offers your son the opportunity to learn more about rock climbing, robotics, model rocketry, archery, kayaking, and so much more!

For questions or more information contact: OR Trail Life USA website.

Our Vocations Apostolate Team works to promote vocations to religious life through prayer, especially before the Blessed Sacrament, and distribution of materials at parish events.

The Traveling Vocation Crucifix is a tried and true program to inspire prayer for holy vocations.
Please consider praying for vocations. Every week, the crucifix is available to be taken home by a parish member(s)/family where they will enthrone it in a place of honor in their home and pray for vocations. There are materials in the Traveling Vocation Crucifix to assist you in prayer each day for holy priests, deacons, religious, consecrated, lay people, and holy/marriages/families. If you have children, please consider the Wee Apostles Vestments/Habit to educate your sons and daughters on a future holy vocation to the Church by checking the box while signing up.


The St. Jerome’s Vocations Apostolate Team invites the women of St. Jerome Parish to participate in the Spiritual Motherhood Program under the intercession of St. Therese of Lisieux. In September, we began the program assigning priests to interested spiritual mothers to begin to pray for the holiness of their adopted priest son in our archdiocese. Your daily, weekly, and monthly prayers as outlined within the commitments to this program will strengthen and protect your adopted priest son and the Eucharist. Is the Lord is calling you to consider this program as a spiritual mother of St. Jerome’s to pray and offer sacrifices to bring about holy priests?

Vicki Stout 262-569-3020 x1404


Mothers' Playgroup

The mission of the St. Jerome Mothers’ Playgroup is to offer support and build a local faith community among young families by connecting moms and their young children in the parish.
Want to stay in the know? Sign up to receive our emails below!

Colleen Waech
Mothers Playgroup Flocknote

The Well-Read Mom

The Well-Read Mom is more than a book club for women. It is a way to accompany one another in reading the classics, Great Books, and timeless spiritual works.

Sophia Von Rueden,, 262-951-6916 for more information and to obtain the book list.

Well Read Mom Flocknote

Sophia Von Rueden


WINGS (Women’s IN God’s Spirit) is a faith enrichment group for women of all ages. Our mission is to build a strong Catholic women’s community at St. Jerome Parish that fosters interaction and provides opportunities to deepen our faith, enhance our spirituality, and grow in our relationship with God.

Jennifer Meyer


Develops programs and resources to meet human needs in the parish and community. Seeks to raise consciousness on issues in relation to justice and peace.

Brian Higgins

Human Concerns Flocknote

Coordinates November Evening Prayer of Remembrance and maintains contact with bereaved families.

Elaine Swenson

Collects gently used or new adult-size t-shirts which are cut, sewn into diapers, and distributed to moms in Guatemala.

Ginny Holahan

Coordinates monthly donations of food and money for the St. Vincent de Paul and Oconomowoc Food Pantry.

Diane Zastrow
Nancy Biersack

Christmas outreach program which provides families and individuals in the Lake Country area with personal Christmas gifts and benefits inner city educational programs.

Diane Zastrow
Elaine Swenson

St. Jerome Mental Health Apostolate offers compassionate spiritual accompaniment and hospitality within confidential small groups to create greater awareness of mental illness through education, scripture, prayer, conversation, and local resources while reducing stigma and shame. We encourage one another through hope and healing in the body of Christ as we strengthen our relationship with God and our neighbor so no one is ever alone but instead is seen, heard, and understood.

St. Dymphna, patroness of those who suffer from nervous and mental afflictions, pray for us!

THE SANCTUARY COURSE FOR CATHOLICS for those who have a loved one struggling with a mental health challenge is in process-Registration now closed.

ST. JEROME MENTAL HEALTH SPIRITUAL SUPPORT GROUP for those living with a mental health challenge evenings (contact the email below for more information). March 2025, we will offer a daytime group on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month.

Presented by Krishna DasGupta, MD & Fr. Kevin Barnekow.

WHEN A LOVED ONE DIES BY SUICIDE for those who have lost a loved one by suicide- Grief support experiencing suicide loss beginning September 2025.

Further details in the parish bulletin. Please email us at

Archdiocesan Mental Health Resource Page
Find a Catholic Therapist

A youth conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society at St. Jerome Parish. Youth in grades 7 through college graduates work locally to serve those in need and to live their faith actively.

Sponsors annual baby bottle collection and parish baby shower to benefit crisis pregnancy centers as well as provides pro-life information and materials, as requested. Coordinates pro-life flag display and parish schedule for 40 Days for Life prayer vigil. Keeps the parish current on pro-life issues and activities via the kiosk in the narthex and parish bulletin.

Cheryl Millot 262-569-3020

Parish volunteers conduct and help Shorehaven residents play Bingo on the third Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m.

Brenda Stieber

Volunteers are needed Thursdays, 9:30 to 11:15 a.m., to transport wheelchair-bound residents to and from the chapel for Catholic Mass.

Connie LaCombe

Shorehaven Health Center Flocknote

Assists people in need of food, clothing, and financial aid. Helps assemble and distribute lunches in Waukesha.

DIRECT LINE: 262-955-5899

Assists in providing dinner every month for 250-300 people at a Milwaukee inner city site. Food is collected and prepared in the St. Jerome School kitchen. The group carpools to the city at 3:45 p.m. to deliver and serve the meal and returns by 7:30 p.m.

Arlene Ziety


“The Church earnestly desires that all the faithful be led to that full, conscious, and active participation in liturgical celebrations called for by the very nature of the liturgy. Such participation by the Christian people as ‘a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people’ (1 Pt 2:9, see 2:4-5) is their right and duty by reason of their baptism.”
-Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, ¶ 14

If you are interested in promoting “full, conscious, and active participation in liturgical celebrations,” the Liturgy Commission welcomes your participation.

Joe Kenitz

Opportunity to assist in planning the seasonal decorations of the church in such a way that the environment reinforces and communicates the liturgical tone of the season. Planners would need to meet five times: prior to Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and Ordinary Time. Hands-on decorators are needed in large numbers just before Christmas and Easter.

Parish Office

Offer a friendly welcoming presence to those coming to worship and answering any questions they might have about the liturgy or parish.

Vicki Stout 262-569-3020 x1404

The Altar Servers of St. Jerome Parish
The Guild is a confraternity of servers who seek to perfect the craft of the Sacred Liturgy. It is an association that pursues the common goal of bringing glory to God. Altar servers help the entire community in their prayer and worship by assisting the priests in the Sacrifice of the Mass. The care and attention altar servers show in their ministry add to the reverence and beauty of the Liturgy.

Fr. John Gibson,, (262) 569-3020 x1403

Responsible for washing and ironing altar linens in your home, once a month or once every other month.

Vicki Stout 262-569-3020 x1404

Offer a friendly and welcoming presence to those coming to worship, assist during emergencies and perform such tasks as assisting parishioners with seating, taking up the collection, dismissal for Communion, and disseminating the church bulletin.

Vicki Stout 262-569-3020 x1404

Adult Choir (high school age & older): Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 7:30-9:00 p.m.

Cantors, needed at all Masses

Simon Gheller, Director of Music, Parish Office 262-569-3020 x1407


The purpose of the Stewardship Commission is to support efforts which build and strengthen a community of discipleship and evangelization as a part of the mission of the Church. Ministries in this area of mission include: welcoming and engaging new members, establishing ways of communicating to and with parishioners, conducting opportunities for parishioners to socialize and celebrate, and sharing time, talent and treasure as a response to discipleship.

Bob Nussbaum

Stewardship Flocknote

The Event Planning Team meets as needed to make plans for new or recurring parish events – assisting with planning, marketing and volunteer scheduling. Men and women of the parish are encouraged to participate to help build a vibrant parish community.

Parish Office 262-569-3020

All newly registered parishioners, anyone considering joining the parish, or those just interested in learning more about our parish and school are invited to the New Parishioner Orientation & Welcome in the Youth Room on the first Sunday of each month following the 8:00 a.m. Mass.

Melissa Abitz

Fireside Café
Serves Sunday donuts and coffee to assist in providing a welcoming atmosphere for new and current parishioners.

Rose Birk

Fireside Café Flocknote

Funeral Luncheons
Prepares and serves food to family members after funerals. Volunteers are needed on a rotating basis, days and/or evenings, to set tables and serve food, as well as clean up after the meal. Bakers are also needed occasionally to provide homemade desserts.

Rose Birk
Barb Kefer

Funeral Luncheons Flocknote


This commission advises on school policy and assists the school administrator in preparing the budget. It studies and reviews particular areas of interest and concern to the school and provides communication within the parish.

Nick Bernhardt

Organization of parish school parents sponsoring a variety of social and fundraising events. Proceeds are used to purchase items for the school which are not included in the annual budget.

Provides support for Parish School athletic teams. Volunteer opportunities include athletic association board member, coaching, volleyball or basketball coordinator, tournament coordinator and concession sales.

The Endowment Fund Board presents a check annually to the Parish School. The interest and dividends earned by the Endowment Fund are used to offset school operating expenses.


God invites us into a relationship with Him that is both personal and communal. He speaks to us through His Son, Jesus Christ, the Word-made-flesh. Prayer is our response to God who is already speaking or, better yet, revealing Himself to us. Therefore, prayer is not merely an exchange of words, but it engages the whole person in a relationship with God the Father, through the Son, and in the Holy Spirit.

How can we pray for you today?

Prayer Requests

Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration

Sign Up to Become An Adorer

Sign-up Instructions
We acknowledge Christ is really present in the Blessed Sacrament; therefore, adoration of the Incarnate God is most worthy. Eucharistic Adoration is prayer before the Blessed Sacrament exposed in a monstrance, continued by successive worshipers day and night without intermission. Adoration is in the Mater Christi Adoration Chapel–24 hours/day, 7 days/week. Please feel free to stop in for adoration or call if interested in signing up for a set hour each week. (A code is needed to enter during non-business hours.)
Anne Simonis

Divine Mercy Chaplet

Please join us for the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00 PM Monday-Friday in Mater Christi Adoration Chapel.


Please join us to pray the Rosary at the following times and locations.

  • Monday - Saturday In the Church following 8:00 AM Mass
  • The second Monday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Mater Christi Adoration Chapel
  • Rosary & Akathist 3rd Monday of each month 7:30 PM in Church

Liturgy of the Hours

7:20 AM Monday – Saturday

Morning 'Liturgy of the Hours', also known as the Divine Office, the ‘daily prayer of the church’, is prayed throughout the world, and is an obligation for priests and deacons. Our morning prayers include the Canticle of Zechariah and other meditative dialogue with God using scripture, prayers, antiphons and hymns. The short version books are provided by St. Jerome’s. Drop in anytime and join us in prayer.

Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions

Perpetual Help Devotions are prayed in Church Tuesdays following the 8:00 AM Mass.

Holy Face of Jesus Devotion

Join us on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:00 pm in the church for group prayer.
Holy Face Devotion Website

First Friday Mass & Benediction

8:00 AM every First Friday of the month

Join us for Mass followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament in Church.

Precious Blood of Jesus Devotion

8:00 AM Mass every third Friday of the month

Join us for Mass, Rosary and a brief meditation in Church.

First Saturdays Devotion

8:00 AM every First Saturday of the month

Join us for Mass, Rosary and a brief meditation in Church.

Our Lady of Fatima Home Visitation Program

The Our Lady of Fatima Home Visitation Program mission is to evangelize and catechize people of all ages on the message of Fatima as a teaching especially pertinent for our times.

To learn more or to schedule a week to host the traveling Fatima Statue in your own home, contact Lynne Fitzpatrick: call or text 262-490-2676, or email